The preschool children at Portland House were amazed to discover that they could see the moon at the same time that the sun was out in the mid-morning sky on a sunny day. This caused lots of excitement when one of the children made the discovery ‘Look I can see the moon’ everyone was soon keen to look too. This sparked the children’s curiosity to think about why could it be out in the day time, as we usually see it only at night?.
Soon the children were shouting out excitedly as they spotted other things that they could spy up in the sky next was ‘ooh it’s a plane’ which lead to lengthy discussions about our travels and experiences on aeroplanes and then imitating the sounds and movements they make as they soared around the garden. Clouds were next to be spotted floating in the sky, the children described the shapes they could see and talked about how the clouds could move in the sky by the wind blowing them showing understanding of their world around them.
Can you spot the moon, clouds and aeroplanes in the photo we took?