As part of the Child Accident Prevention Trust's (CAPT) 'Child Safety Week' the children at Harlequin Nursery, Halifax Road, enjoyed a visit from the local ambulance team. The team arrived at the nursery in their ambulance and allowed the children to explore the ambulance and equipment and test out the siren.
Ruth Tattersall, Harlequin Manager explains “The children at Harlequin can all demonstrate an exceptional understanding of keeping themselves safe and can recognise dangers. They all know to hold hands when crossing the road and that they need to be careful of cars and trucks. We encourage the children to assess situations themselves and help them understand what to do in an emergency. We would like to thank the ambulance crew for giving us some of their valuable time this week”
The Examiner also covered our visit.
• Child Accident Prevention Trust - CAPT’s work stops children being killed, disabled or seriously injured in accidents.
• Child Safety Week runs from Monday 18 to Sunday 24 June 2012