Lindley Scarecrow Festival 4th-6th October

Following on from our learning about colours and how these represent our feelings through the ‘Colour Monster’ book we worked hard to bring our very own colour monster to life for this year’s scarecrow festival.

The preschool children at Portland House created their very own colour monster by starting with tie dying an old white sheet with a variety of colours such as black, red, green, blue and yellow. They were intrigued as the colours mixed together and made patterns on the material. Once it had dried Charlotte helped them create the shape and the children were tasked with stuffing the monster using recycled shredded paper and straw. With the weather being very rainy to the start of this season the children stood the monster in some wellingtons so his feet would be dry and he could splash in some puddles.

The children drew their own individual colour monster to represent their emotions and each colour monster was then attached to a jar. These were placed alongside the colour monster scarecrow so we could do an interactive task to see how the people in the community were feeling at the scarecrow festival. The object was to fill the jars with natural materials to represent their emotions at the event. (happy, sad, loved, calm angry and scared)

Lots of our families attended the event and visited the preschool colour monster, when we collected him on Monday the children were able to observe which jars had the most objects inside. We discussed how people had been feeling over the weekend by the amounts each jar had been filled and guessed which had the most inside. Unfortunately the angry jar had completely disappeared however the remaining jars when counted we discovered had the following amount of objects inside: Happy had the most with 149 objects, loved came 2nd with 120 objects, calm had 95, scare 78, sad had the least with 60 objects inside.

The preschool children have really enjoyed reading and learning about the colour monster this term, the children are able to identify their emotions by the colours in the book such as feeling happy is the colour yellow and sad is the colour blue.

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