The Sneezy Dragon came to play at Oakwood today!
The children quietly tiptoed through the garden, being careful not to wake the dragon. We heard some sneezes along the way, so quickly layed down and covered our eyes.
“We have to cover our eyes so the sneezy dragon could not see us”
“If we tiptoe the sneezy dragon can’t hear our wellies in the mud”
When we got to the forest we had we had 2 teams and set out to collect natural materials to make the ‘knock knocks’ a new village.
The children collected sticks, leaves, berries, logs and stones and used excellent imagination to tell us what they wanted to use them for.
“I am going to put 2 sticks in the ground, then the fairies will have a washing line”
The 2 teams showed pride and confidence in telling each other about their village. Jonas and Jamie made a ladder to lead the fairies high up in the tree to escape the sneezy dragon.
Afterwards the children enjoyed some warm soup and fresh fruit around the log circle together, speaking to one another about what they had achieved and made.
“My best day”