Hedgehogs visit Harlequin

On Tuesday 24th November children at Harlequin Day Nursery had a special visit from the local Keighley Hedgehog Rescue Charity. Children at the nursery saw a variety of rescued hedgehogs that are due to be released back into the wild; the children will also be adopting their very own rescued hedgehog.

Manager Ruth Tattersall explains “We are fortunate to be located in a conservation area so the children are very familiar with the wildlife that surrounds us; we daily see squirrels, birds and foxes so it was a great treat when one of the children spotted our first hedgehog hiding under leaves. We thought it would be a fantastic idea to develop their learning further and have invited the local Hedgehog Rescue team down to teach the children more about hedgehogs.”

“Hedgehogs are endangered in the UK and are now protected specie, it is vital that we educate our children and encourage them to respect our surrounding wildlife and what we can do to preserve them”

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