Healthy Hair Fun at Portland Preschool

To link in with our 'Health and Self-care' early learning goal we invited Oscars mummy Louise to join us for circle time sessions. Louise owns her own hair salon and she talked to the children about how to keep their hair healthy and showed them some super photos of the salon, how customers have their hair washed, different hairstyles and what the inside of their hair follicles look like. All the children then practised how to brush their hair from the bottom, middle and then to the top so it doesn’t damage the hair. A group discussion emerged talking about the importance of washing our hair and massaging the scalp, we talked about differences and similarities such as hair colours, lengths and curly & straight. When Louise asked the children what food would be good to eat to keep their hair healthy the children gave good suggestions such as ‘fruit & vegetables’.

The home corner was turned into ‘Louise’s hair salon and the children got creative acting out roles sometimes being the hairdresser, receptionist and the customers. They had great fun exploring the hair products Louise brought in e.g. empty shampoo bottles, shimmering hair spray and hair gel. The children enjoyed visiting the hair salon allowing Louise to pretend to wash and style their hair plaiting, spiking it and took great delight in admiring themselves in the mirror. Oscar was delighted that his mummy had come to play and busied himself helping in the salon putting rollers in the customers hair and simulating drying it with the hairdryer. The children spontaneously added their own ideas to role play creating a café where they offered food and drinks to the customers.

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