Teresa and Jordan are having a great time on their 5 day Forest School Training course.
They have been learning lots of new skills and have come back to nursery with lots of ideas! The Forest School ethos is a unique and fun approach to learning outdoors, specifically a woodland environment.
These are a few of the activities they have taken part in:
Day 1
An introduction to working with tools, forest school games. Making their own log dog, relays and timber hitches.
Day 2
They had a go at witling, tool talks and learnt how to allow children to use tools safely. They also learnt about knots and how to put up tarps and make dens.
Day 3
They spent the whole day in the woods! They thought it was fabulous, they learnt how to make a fire and the safety around it they also learnt how to cook on the open fire.
They made their own lunch and had the experience of toasting marshmallows! They also learnt feathering skills and how to make nets using pieces of string. They managed to keep our fire going for 25 minutes (which they were very proud of). Finally they played creeping comanche barefoot which we can’t wait to do with our children at Oakwood House!
Day 4
They had time on the 4th day to explore using their newly found skills of knots and tools to make something using only natural materials. They put up hammocks using tarps and taught each other skills by working together on a project. Jordon Made a fabulous star gazing chair.
Both Teresa and Jordan have learnt so much and cannot wait to begin their forest school sessions, every single area of the EYFS is covered in just one session of forest school it really is amazing.