Oakwood House Forest School have been busy exploring EID and the traditions it offers.
The babies have explored the crescent moon and star celestial symbols. They worked very hard creating their own versions of moon and stars, they added glue and glitter to create a sparkle to celebrate EID.
The toddlers made moon and star mobiles. They focussed on individual choice and decision making for the children to decide how they wanted to decorate them. The toddlers practised their cutting skills with a little help from Rebecca. They added the string and enjoyed their mobiles.
The pre-school children looked in depth at the places of worship. They used their imagination and created a mosque out of logs, this involved negotiating and a team work ethos to create the magnificent structure. Ismail one of our pre-school children said “the mosque is the big house”. Ismail was quite right and this inspired the children to make a Lego mosque too.
Some of the children wanted to wish their families Happy Eid, so they put their developing mark making skills to paper and wrote them a special Eid card.
Happy Eid Everyone!