The fathers of nature wise children at Oakwood House Nursery and Forest School, Edgerton were invited together with their families to a special “Stay and Play” session as part of National Nest Box Week. To the sound of bird song dad’s helped their children make bird food and bird boxes to take home for their own gardens.
Samantha Richmond, the nursery manager was delighted at the number of fathers who arrived and said “We understand how hard it is for working parents to find the time to join in these nursery activities and we hoped the woodwork element of the session would appeal to the men!.”
“Getting the children interested in bird watching is a great way of introducing them to nature and teaching them about the environment it is also a fantastic way of connecting them with wildlife. The children have been learning about all the different birds in the nursery garden and woodland, using binoculars and charts to count how many birds they could spot and hear. These activities can all be carried on at home with parents too, and it’s a perfect reason to go outside and have fun with their children.”