Big garden birdwatch

The Fairfield children have been taking part in the Big Garden bird watch, joining in with lots of different planned activities to deepen our knowledge and understanding about birds.

Our baby unit have been exploring birds’ nests, using their senses when feeling the different textures of the feathers and using them to learn different parts of their bodies when singing songs with their keyperson. We have been using lots of single words and making vocalisations when investigating bird sounds as we bang and tap the sticks together.

The toddlers have been learning about owls, we have been exploring an owl nest tuff tray and using the resources to make a nice cosy bed for our owls supported by the book “Little owls bed time”. The toddlers used their understanding of birds to make a puppet, we explored different sized and coloured feathers when designing out puppet, we then used these during a story time with our keyperson.

Preschool children been expanding their knowledge around birds, and the different types of bird we have flying into our nursery garden. We know birds that come out in the day time such as pigeons and robins, we also know that owls come out at night time and when animals come out at night and not in the day are called “nocturnal animals”. Preschool have shown understanding around caring for living things when we made bird feeders for the garden, birds don’t have as much food in the winter so we help them keep their tummies full by providing food for them.

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