Welcome to the Summer Newsletter, although we do love the rain and splashing in the puddles, it is lovely to see some sunshine. The children have taken an interest in the changing of the season and how the environment is looking different, the trees are filling with leaves and the blossom is out too. And this time of year is also good for spotting mini beasts and talking about the cheeky Robins who live in our garden and wait patiently to see if anyone leaves some crumbs for them.

This is always a busy time of year for our preschool children who will be preparing for school, so we will be focusing on their independence skills. Putting our coats, trousers and boots on when we go outside is great practice for school readiness.

All our children thrive outdoors it gives them the opportunity to practice their physical skills and really enjoy the wonders of nature. They can use the wide open spaces to really develop their gross motor skills and resilience, along with their imagination as our outdoor environment has countless opportunities.

Learning focus at the moment


In our forest garden the children were delighted to discover that we have some tadpoles in our pond, this sparked lots of interest around life cycles and they are now patiently watching as the tadpoles grow in to frogs. The children have also been practising their physical skills by creating an obstacle course. This enabled them to balance, run, hop and jump.

We have also spent time talking about where we live and some of our favourite places. These conversations helped the children recall and enjoy sharing their experiences with each other. Many children talked about the beach being a favourite place to visit, so we created a beach sensory tray for the children to explore and provide further opportunity for them to talk about their favourite place.

Our big focus this term will be around starting school as many of our children will make this transition in September. We will be chatting about our new schools, our uniforms and what to expect and generally building up that reassurance and excitement to ensure the children cannot wait for their next adventure to begin. Please can we ask that you let us know which school your child will attend as soon as possible.

Our Graduation will be on the 16th July, the preschool staff will be in touch to let you know the plan for the day soon.


The children love exploring the garden, so to extend this learning we will be having trips into the forest garden. On our first visit we looked in the pond at the tadpoles, scooping some in to a dish for a closer look. We also took the magnifying glasses so we could search for mini beasts and have a closer look at them too. We talked about recycling and how small things help to keep our planet safe, and the children helped to put the waste peelings from the kitchen in to our composter.

We also talked about the plants that are beginning to grow in our planters and the children filled their watering cans and carefully watered the plants. We will be checking them every time we visit the forest garden to check if they need more water to help them grow. We extended the children’s learning by talking about what might be growing, our favourite fruit and vegetables and why eating lots of fruit and vegetables keeps us healthy.

Mud, mud glorious mud !! The children love getting messy in the mud kitchen. They used the rain water to pour and mix.

We have also been using our gross motor skills to gather some sticks to make dens. The children worked together to find and pick up the sticks and transport them, and with a little help we carefully placed them to make the roof of our den.


The babies have enjoyed focusing on the change of seasons, we have embraced the rain looking out of the window and watching as the rain poured down, we used our listening skills to hear the sound of the raindrops and we chatted about the clouds and then when we went out into the garden to play we jumped in the puddles making a big splash!

As the weather improved we used the garden at meal times too, enjoying our food in the fresh air, and because some of our older babies are getting ready to transition to the toddler room we have had a strong focus on self-care. The children have been encouraged to pour their own drinks and wipe their own hands and face. We even extended our focus on self-care by bathing the dolls in the garden and the children used the cloths to wash and dry the dolls.

The older children in the group have taken an interest in bug hunts and enjoy exploring the willow garden looking for as many bugs as they can. Whilst our younger babies enjoy looking at the books and with the support of their key person have the opportunity to babble and develop their language.

Staff News

We would like you to join us in welcoming our newest team member Chaimaa who will work in our baby room, and Tia who will return from maternity leave in August to join our toddler room as Room Leader.

Diary Dates

Nursery closures

Monday 26th August – (Bank Holiday)

Term dates

Half Term Holiday – 27th May - 31st May 2024

Term time children return - Monday 3rd June – Friday 19th July 2024

Term end date for term time only children funded from April will be – Friday 5th July 2024

The end of term for all children leaving to go to school will be 30th August 2024

Charity Events

Friday 5th July Wimbledon Day - Refreshments will be available and for sale for £3.00

Wednesday 7th August Holly Bank Olympics – Children will be invited to join in and wear sports wear for the day with a small charge of £2.00

Wednesday 21st August we will be celebrating National beach day, staff and children will be invited to come dressed in summer clothes for a donation of £2.00

Further Information


Please can you make sure you provide a sun hat for your child for the summer months.

If you are planning to take holidays please can we kindly request notice of this.

Children leaving to go to school in September will finish on the 30th August, if you wish your child to finish earlier please remember we require 1 months’ notice.

Please can you check your child’s peg and take home any winter items. Also can we ask that you check your child’s wellies still fit them, if you need to bring new ones please can we ask that you dispose of the old ones.

Mobile Phones

Please can I remind parents that the use of mobile phones on nursery premises is strictly prohibited, you must not take any photographs or videos at nursery or at any nursery events. Using your mobile phone breaks the statutory welfare requirements and is also a breach of safeguarding policies to which we must adhere.

Payment Reminder

Quite a few payments are coming in after 1st of the month. Just a reminder that all payments must reach our bank account before the 1st of each month this includes all childcare vouchers, Tax Free Childcare Payments and Bank Transfers. Any parents paying by SLC with need to pay their monthly top up amount by 1st also. Please note that payments usually take 3-4 business days to reach our account.

Any payments received after 1st of the month will incur a £20 late payment charge and continued failure to pay will be charged at a daily rate of 8% of the outstanding debt.

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Our mailing address is:
Oakwood House, 2 Hungerford Road, Huddersfield HD3 3AL
Portland Nurseries Limited. Company No. 7538309. Registered in England & Wales.

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