Welcome to our Winter Newsletter. The year is fast approaching an end and I am sure many of you will be looking forward to the Christmas break. It has been a very busy period since September with the nursery welcoming lots of new families, and it was fabulous seeing many of you at our Christmas party on a very Snowy November day.

This term we have really focused on getting out in to the community and our preschool children have thoroughly enjoyed their visits to the local care home. This is a good way to promote British Values and the children’s cultural capital which equips them with life skills to make a positive contribution to the community in which they live.

As with every other season we have enjoyed the outdoor space. The children really embrace the change in season and the different opportunities it provides, we have had the ice and snow and then the darker evenings giving us the opportunity to explore the garden using the torches.

Learning focus at the moment


With lots of our preschool children leaving us to start school it has been a quieter period, but our group is growing fast as we welcome children from Toddlers to join us and start their journey for school readiness and a love of lifelong learning.

This term the preschool children have enjoyed focusing on STEM and have taken part in some very interesting science experiments. The children were assisted to build a volcano and they each added the secret ingredient that made the volcano erupt. It was great fun even though there was a distinct smell of vinegar in the air for days. They also explored the room with the magnets and collected items that were magnetic and non – magnetic materials, they then talked about these and discussed their findings.

The weather suddenly turned very cold, but the children were eager to get outside and explore the snow. We used lots of vocabulary such as melting, frozen, icy. We then brought some snow inside and watched as it melted discussing why this happened.

Another big focus for preschool this term has been emotions. We used the Colour Monster story book to talk about our feelings and ways we can manage them. The children enjoyed linking a colour to each emotion and choosing the colour that represented the way they felt. They were then encouraged to gather objects in that colour and place them in the correct jar. We also looked at our differences and what makes us unique reading the story of Elmer who is a true Ambassador for promoting individuality.

We have also had our weekly science kitchen sessions where the children have baked some wonderful treats. Each child had their own utensils and were able to use some early math’s weighing and measuring the ingredients from the recipes. They then mixed and baked and finally enjoyed a tasty treat.

We have also been getting out and about in the community by visiting the local care home. This is such a valuable experience for the children linking to their cultural capital, and giving the elderly residents a moment of joy brought by seeing the smiling preschool faces.


During the Autumn term we have welcomed some new children to the group and said goodbye to others as they moved rooms. We were especially proud of the toddlers who moved up to preschool with such ease and confidence ready to start their new journey at Holly Bank.

The toddlers have really embraced the outdoor space and have been focusing on the wildlife that visit the garden. The children helped to refill the bird feeders to encourage the birds to keep coming to the garden during the change of season. The children have also enjoyed watching the birds from the window, we spotted some Magpies, Robins, Pigeons, Blue Tits and Blackbirds and watched to check who visited the bird feeder.

Once the leaves and conkers began to fall from the trees we took the opportunity to go on a treasure hunt and gather as many as we could, we then used these beautiful natural resources to support our maths skills by counting the conkers and comparing their sizes.

Next came the snow and the children jumped for joy! We found some tiny foot prints in the garden made by a bird and we followed then round the garden to see where they led. We then looked at our own footprints in the snow comparing the sizes and the patterns made by our welly boots. Then we all had great fun as we worked together as a team to build a snowman, we searched the garden for items we could use for his eyes and hands, and I think you will agree he was very handsome once we finished building him. Well done everyone.


Over the Autumn term the babies at Holly bank have been learning about Autumn and Science. Outdoors in the garden we looked closely at the changes that we could see happening around us, the babies enjoyed helping to collect Autumn leaves to create their own Autumn collages. We talked about the different textures and colours of the leaves and introduced new vocabulary such as "orange" "brown" "yellow" "crunchy" and "crispy". We learnt a new Autumn song which was repetitive to help develop their communication and language skills and explained about the falling Autumn leaves.

The babies also enjoyed taking part in a pumpkin rolling activity in the garden, this helped develop their hand-eye coordination as they picked up the mini pumpkins and placed them in the drain pipe letting them roll. The children became excited as they watched the pumpkins roll quickly down the pipe and across the grass.

It is never too early to introduce science, and the children joined in some activities both indoors and out. Our favourites were exploring the magnets and some ice. We placed some magnetic dishes in our sensory tray and the children picked up the metal rings and placed them in the dishes, they were very intrigued by the force pulling the metal rings out of their hands!

The babies explored ice both indoors and out, they enjoyed feeling the texture with their hands as we introduced key words such as "wet" "cold" "slippy" and "drip".

Staff News

We are so happy to have welcomed more new staff members this term, Lauren joined us from Portland House nursery (part of the Portland Nurseries group) and has brought with her a wealth of knowledge, she was quickly recognised for the fabulous contribution she made to Holly Bank and first became preschool room leader and now Deputy manager.

We also welcomed Lola to preschool, Lola has been working at our Oakwood House nursery (part of the Portland Nurseries group) and has just completed her Early Years Teacher Status and is a fantastic asset to our team.

Sadly Chloe will leave our baby room in December, but we have Chelsea who many of you may have met already who joined us in November ready to take over the role.

Staff Training Day

In October the whole company staff team came together for our Annual Autumn Training Day, to enhance and develop their childcare practice for the future and reflect on the year past.

This year we focused on 2 key areas:

  1. Boosting Staff Morale and Wellbeing to promote vibrant play, learning and positive behaviour. led by Jenny Mosley – Director and Founder of QCT, The Quality Circle Time (QCT) Model
  2. STEAM Approaches with Everyday Materials led by Debi Keyte-Hartland, Early Childhood Pedagogical Consultant, Artist-Educator & Trainer

Our staff team thoroughly enjoyed the day and learnt lots of new activities i.e. modelling activities, circle time, light activities to name a few along with golden moments for wellbeing. An excellent and informative day with lots to take back to our nurseries!

Portland Nurseries Annual Staff Training Day | Portland Nurseries

Internal Audits

You may have noticed senior managers visiting our nursery recently. They have been conducting internal audits to ensure we maintain the highest standards of care and education. Our commitment to being an Outstanding nursery involves continuous reflection and improvement. Action points from these audits then form part of our Quality Improvement Plans, which help us identify areas for enhancement and celebrate our successes. By constantly evaluating and refining our practices, we aim to provide the best possible environment for your children to learn and grow.

Annual Award

We are thrilled to share that we recently held our annual awards party, a cherished tradition where we come together to celebrate the incredible dedication and hard work of our staff. Recognising and appreciating our team's efforts is essential, as their passion and commitment directly impact the nurturing and enriching environment we provide for your children. By celebrating our staff, we not only acknowledge their outstanding contributions but also inspire continuous growth and excellence within our nursery community. Their unwavering care helps to ensure that your little ones receive the best possible start in their educational journey. This year our Educator of the Year was awarded to Jayne.

Adiba received our Rising Star Award.

Diary Dates

Nursery closures

Christmas closure

Wednesday 25th December – Wednesday 1st January 2025

Nursery re-opens Thursday 2nd January 2025

Term dates

Spring 2025

Monday 6th January – Friday 14th February 2025

Half Term Holiday – 17th February - 21st February 2025

Term then continues:

Monday 24th February-Friday 4th April 2025

January Stay and Play

Wednesday 15th January 3.30pm – 4.30pm Winnie the pooh day, stories and teddy bears picnic.


Monday 13th January - Lohri - Punjabi festival to celebrate the passing of winter solstice

Monday 20th January – Penguin awareness day

24th – 26 January Big Garden Bird watch



Parents, please bring in to nursery during the winter months ahead;

  • Wellingtons- correct size
  • Fleece to go under nursery outdoor coats
  • Hats, scarves and gloves
  • Bag with several changes of seasonal clothes

Please ensure you have labelled clearly with your child’s name.

Mobile Phones

Please can I remind parents that the use of mobile phones on nursery premises is strictly prohibited, you must not take any photographs or videos at nursery or at any nursery events. Using your mobile phone breaks the statutory welfare requirements and is also a breach of safeguarding policies to which we must adhere.

Copyright © 2018 Portland Nurseries, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Oakwood House, 2 Hungerford Road, Huddersfield HD3 3AL
Portland Nurseries Limited. Company No. 7538309. Registered in England & Wales.

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