Dummy (pacifier) and Thumb/Finger Sucking
Dummies generally cause less problems than thumb sucking as a dummy sucking habit can usually be discouraged before 6 years old, when the adult teeth come through. Dummies should never be dipped in anything sweet (e.g. honey), as this can cause tooth decay.
Did you know - A sucking habit after age of 7 years can cause permanent change in the position of permanent (adult) teeth.
To stop a thumb or finger sucking habit, it can help to:
Use positive encouragement, such as a reward system.
Use physical barriers such as a plaster, bandage, sock, cotton glove or a bitter tasting nail varnish.
Speak to your dentist or orthodontist for more information. A ‘habit-breaker’ dental appliance may be recommended, which can make thumb sucking more difficult.
What we do to support: We allow children their comfort through dummies or thumb sucking, but use gentle encouragement to stop.
- We create a calming environment and model calm behaviour.
- We distract children and use other methods of comfort, such as teddies and books.