The Portland House Poppy room children and staff enjoyed a nice winter outing in the local community in Lindley Village. They visited the Lindley bookshop where they were given the opportunity to look at some special books, read stories and even choose some to buy to bring back to nursery to share with their friends at group time.
We selected some beautiful books celebrating how we are all different and that we all come from different families. Over the coming months we will be looking forward to the children learning ‘what kind of things make us different such as who’s in our family, people live in all sorts of homes, have different jobs, clothes, food, hobbies, pets, holidays, celebrations and feelings and discussing with the children ‘what your family looks like’
Before we returned to nursery we even had time to pop into the library to say a quick ‘Hello’.
Monday 1st March is World Book Day we will be celebrating this in nursery by dressing up as a character from a book. Parents and carers are invited to come in and share a story time with us. Please speak with your child’s key person if you would like to come and read a story to some of the children as we would love you to join us.