Here comes the sun!

The Fairfield children have enjoyed lots of fresh air out in the garden this week as summer is on the way and the days are getting brighter. Our toddlers found ice outside in the garden one morning and focusing on their interest of being creative with many different media and materials we used the opportunity to mix our own colours in the tuff tray outside, we used brushes of all different shapes and sizes to explore colours, mixing and using our gross motor movements to strengthen our muscles ready for writing.

We have enjoyed making a home for our garden visitor “Nutty” the squirrel. The children have checked every day to see if some food has been taken and eaten by Nutty. Our love for reading continued into the garden, we have made dens to sit with our friends and read stories together in the fresh air. Toddlers have still shown an interest in the ocean and sea creatures, we have used the interest to freeze sea animals outside in the water tray, we let the children use paints to make the water blue.

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