The babies at Bradley House have been busy exploring a range of sensory activities throughout the last few weeks, from gloop to play dough and sensory tuff trays.
Whilst exploring with different textures babies can further develop their understanding of the world around them by touch, interpretation and engaging with objects. Their learning has been extended by adding different objects to the sensory activities such as play dough tools, animals and dinosaurs as well as natural resources like leaves, twigs and mud. Each object added has offered the babies with a unique experience to develop their understanding of the world and explore the textures in a new way.
Our babies have been introduced to new “buzz words” such as soft, sprinkle, spread, drip and many more as we continue to provide activities which allow babies to hear new words. Whilst the babies are hearing these words they are responding with babbling and smiles as they develop their communication and share their experiences with familiar adults building on their social development.
We can’t wait to continue exploring new textures and seeing what else we can find in the tuff trays!