Transition to school

Starting school is a big step for both the child and their family. We work in partnership with parents and the local schools to fully prepare your child for the new challenge.

We invite our parents to a presentation on the transition process into school and the practices we have in place at nursery to ensure a smooth transition for all children and parents.

We invite the reception teachers from the local schools who will be able to answer any questions you may have. It is also an ideal opportunity for you to meet other parents whose children will be starting school.

There are many ways in which we prepare the pre-school children for this next step in their learning journey. Here are some examples

Children will make group visits to local schools with their pre-school key workers. Reception teachers are invited to the nursery to speak to the children in pre-school. Children are able to dress up in school uniform and role play Children look through booklets provided by local schools with photos of school life.

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