Toddlers savour the Scottish Celebration

Och Aye the Toddlers Savour the Scottish Celebration

At Oakwood House Nursery on Monday 26th January the Toddler Room celebrated Burns Night with their first Stay and Play of the year. To mark this occasion the children enjoyed their Burns Supper of haggis, neaps and tatties. The children really loved it with some even asking for seconds!

Throughout the afternoon activities included Scottish flag face painting in which parents, staff and children took part, designing different coloured tartan and paper tartan weaving. A selection of bagpipe music was playing in which the children danced to and had great fun.

Links to EYFS:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Making Relationships: Seeks out others to share experiences Self-confidence and self-awareness: Can select and use activities and resources with help Physical Development: Health & Self Care: Willing to try new food textures and tastes.

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